David Steinberg: Photographing the Erotic Contact Jugglers

Inlagd av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

Here are a collection of images from that first session of Photographing the Erotic Contact Jugglers with Anastasia Kali and Derek Gerek, who combined erotisism with contact glass ball juggling into a sensual performance piece that was truly a wonder to observe.

In 2006, my partner Kim and I were delighted to attend the “Orange Wedding” of performance artist/sex pioneer Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens in San Francisco. This was Annie and Beth’s second color-coded wedding, part of a seven-year project they named their Love Art Laboratory (loveartlab.ucsc.edu).

As Annie and Beth explain, “each year we orchestrated interactive performance art weddings in collaboration with various national and international communities, then displayed the ephemera in a...

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