David Steinberg: My First Disability Shoot

Inlagd av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

I was particularly interested in Crys and Jeff because Jeff had cerebral palsy and I had long been a public advocate for the sexuality of people with disabilities – people generally unacknowledged as fully sexual people but whose sexuality is truly as vibrant and interesting as that of anyone else

I began photographing couples being sexual in 1999. My first experimental shoot was with Dara and Vann (see cupido.no/erotica/718636), the publishers of what was then San Francisco’s sex-oriented newspaper, Spectator. I was delighted with the results, as was Cupido editor, who immediately began publishing my images – even putting my work on the cover of the magazine!

At that time, people associated with Spectator gathered monthly for what we called the Spectator Salon – an open-ended space f...

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