David Steinberg: One Thing Led to Another (23 bilder)

Inlagd av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

I met Kathy in 2001, at a meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, then the largest U.S. association of sex educators, counselors, therapists, and researchers. She was studying sexuality at San francisco State University’s newly-established (first in the U.S.) graduate program to offer an advanced degree in human sexuality.

Kathy’s partner at the conference, an old close friend of mine, had spoken to her praisingly about my couples photography, and she was quick to tell me how excited she was at the thought of my photographing her with a partner. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I was equally excited at the possibility of photographing her.

Her conference partner (my friend), however, quickly noted that, as much as he would enjoy the experience, as a doctor and therapist he had to decline being photographed f...

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