A Second Photo Shoot with Erotic Performer Sadie Lune

Inlagd av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

Erica had not been photographed being sexual before, and only knew me through what Sadie had told her about my work. She seemed a bit cautious as we started but, loving guided by Sadie, she quickly relaxed into what became a very moving and emotional scene.

In February, Cupido published a portfolio of my 2004 photos of San Francisco celebrity Sadie Lune, photos of a provocative BDSM scene involving Sadie and her lover, Stacey. I wrote then of my admiration for Sadie – for her creative work as an actress and erotic performer, her brilliant political commentary, and her outspoken work advocating for the rights of sex workers, --as well as for her exuberant, playful, passionate, and imaginative sexuality.

I was delighted when Sadie contacted me abo...

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