David Steinberg: Working with Limitations

Inlagd av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

I met Judiann in 2005, through San Francisco’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. Judiann was an instructor there, teaching about the often neglected and misunderstood sexuality of people with disabilities. Judiann is disabled herself, though you would not know that from looking at her. Her disability is chronic pain, which she has beend dealing with for decades.

Judiann invited me to come to her class and show slides from my work photographing people with disbilities being fully sexual. To date I have photographed 14 couples where one or both people had disabilities. To my knowledge, I’m the only photographer doing this work.

After the class, Judiann asked if I would be interested in photographing her with her partner, Elton. Of course I was delighted. When she talked with Elton, however, he explained that it would be necessary for him to not be reco...

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